• about firesidebbs

    From test@21:1/249 to All on Wed Mar 5 20:48:05 2025
    I have to express how impressed I am of the growing utility of the weather door lonewolf created on his bbs. So impressed with the full functionality of it. Really remarkable,really.

    I must be just a nut or something, but I go on his bbs every day and geek out.

    For anyone who hasn't checked it out, he has implemented a fantastic sixel representation of animated weather data including radar and cloud cover with three zoom settings.

    this is the appeal, for me, of modern bbs'ing. what can we do to replace the browser and/or mobile apps? and modern api's are the key here.

    i started doing similar on my board with the creation onf a pilot's portal, of sorts. for flight planning, I have a few tools. and currently i'm working on screen scraping scripts for reading the airman information manual. and federal regulations, etc.

    got a movie lookup tool. but this weather tool really exposes so many possibilities in my yes,.

    sixel likely rubs alot of people wrong. but i love it.

    ... Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Air & Wave BBS (21:1/249)
  • From Nigel Reed@21:2/101 to All on Wed Mar 5 15:44:05 2025
    On Wed, 5 Mar 2025 20:48:05 +0000
    "test" (21:1/249) <test@f249.n1.z21.fidonet> wrote:

    I have to express how impressed I am of the growing utility of the
    weather door lonewolf created on his bbs. So impressed with the full functionality of it. Really remarkable,really.

    I must be just a nut or something, but I go on his bbs every day and
    geek out.

    For anyone who hasn't checked it out, he has implemented a fantastic
    sixel representation of animated weather data including radar and
    cloud cover with three zoom settings.

    this is the appeal, for me, of modern bbs'ing. what can we do to
    replace the browser and/or mobile apps? and modern api's are the key

    i started doing similar on my board with the creation onf a pilot's
    portal, of sorts. for flight planning, I have a few tools. and
    currently i'm working on screen scraping scripts for reading the
    airman information manual. and federal regulations, etc.

    got a movie lookup tool. but this weather tool really exposes so many possibilities in my yes,.

    sixel likely rubs alot of people wrong. but i love it.

    bbs.endoftheline.com has the NASA Picture of the Day, when available,
    in sixel format if you want to check it out. Head to the Doors >
    Weather & Space section.
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (21:2/101)
  • From Nightfox@21:1/137 to test on Wed Mar 5 14:08:09 2025
    Re: about firesidebbs
    By: test to All on Wed Mar 05 2025 08:48 pm

    I have to express how impressed I am of the growing utility of the weather door lonewolf created on his bbs. So impressed with the full functionality of it. Really remarkable,really.

    I must be just a nut or something, but I go on his bbs every day and geek out.

    I should probably check out his BBS more.

    For anyone who hasn't checked it out, he has implemented a fantastic sixel representation of animated weather data including radar and cloud cover with three zoom settings.

    I do think it's a pretty cool weather door.

    this is the appeal, for me, of modern bbs'ing. what can we do to replace the browser and/or mobile apps? and modern api's are the key here.

    I think it's interesting to think about that, because the modern browser & such are what has generally replaced BBSing.

    sixel likely rubs alot of people wrong. but i love it.

    I really like sixels, and it's hard to imagine them rubbing anyone wrong. I think one limitation, though, is that sixels are a fixed size, so if someone has a large terminal, then a sixel might appear small to them. But the BBS could potentially detect the client's terminal size and scale the sixel accordingly.

    I think sixels and RIP (Remote Imaging Protocol) could both be used for very similar purposes, but maybe different use cases. And I don't remember if RIP has built-in scaling, but I suspect it might; I think RIP has a specific resolution (as in image dimensions) in is spec, so it might be the same pixel dimensions scaled to the user's terminal size, which has its pros and cons.

    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Digital Distortion: digdist.synchro.net (21:1/137)