• Message Text Too Wide for screen

    From fuzion@21:1/215 to All on Fri Jul 12 10:41:24 2024

    I just wanted to update the group regarding the annoying text wrapping / overflow problem I've been having for a few months. After much head
    scratching, searching through config files, cursing and then getting bored and leaving it be, I decided to look a little closer at the screen res my board
    was running at.

    Example screen grab of the issue here: https://imgur.com/a/yi8r03D

    Our board is based on Amiga style so we were running a res of 80x24 but I found that adding an extra line (80x25) fixes the missing text issue. Cutting a very long story short, the msg reader was struggling to process some messages properly that were typed using the autowrap feature in the msg editor. The issue was happening in both the local/echomail bases and wasn't apparent when using hard returns in posts.

    The BBS is now set to 80x25 in the sys config/general settings but the next issue I'm faced with is, the user account screen length setting keeps defaulting back to 120x30 on every log out/in. I'm only running a single theme on the board so I need to tweak the theme config somehow. Can anyone point me in the right direction here?

    Hopefully the above will help anyone else out that's experiencing similar issues. Another day in the life of a Sysop I suppose. :)


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Retro32 BBS (21:1/215)