• Re: USR 5686 no reply at

    From Tiny@21:1/700 to Atreyu on Sat Aug 24 08:00:00 2024
    Hi Atreyu,
    In a message to Rmurray you wrote:

    as the idea had some merit. But it is up to you to promote them... you post a few messages in your own echoes and claim there is no interest.

    This is the first I've heard of this project. If I still ran a BBS it wouldn't be somehting that would interest me as I am not in a position to purchase
    SIP equipment for the hobby.

    I do have a USB modem I've never used... Why? I don't know.


    * SeM. 2.26 * How come there's only one Monopolies Commission?
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (21:1/700)
  • From rmurray@21:1/235 to Tiny on Sat Aug 24 10:33:25 2024
    This is the first I've heard of this project. If I still ran a BBS it wouldn't be somehting that would interest me as I am not in a position
    to purchase SIP equipment for the hobby.

    I do have a USB modem I've never used... Why? I don't know.


    Everyone has their own reasons for running or building a BBS. I decided to start mine around June 20, 2024, because I am truly fed up with the big social networks. Platforms like Facebook and others sell our information to those who can pay to target us with ads. Then, there are all the trolls whose sole purpose is to put you down, destroy, and discourage you. It has also become a place for scammers to gather data on us and do everything they can to extort money. I ditched Facebook ages ago.

    Instead of putting effort into making a small webpage to sell their products, people prefer creating a Facebook page to sell their stuff. But you never know if it's legitimate or a scam. So if it's on Facebook, I don't trust it at all. And it's often a scam. Many of my clients have been scammed or could have been scammed by Facebook scams.

    I was looking for a solution to create a means of communication, send messages, and stay in contact using amateur radio frequencies. That's when I stumbled upon BBSs. One thing I hadn't considered in my communication solution over 9600 bps on UHF was BBSs. I was pleasantly surprised to see that BBSs still existed and that there was a fairly large community keeping them alive. Just like the Gauls in *Asterix and Obelix* who survived against Caesar's Roman domination! :)

    So, I embarked on this project. I was delighted to see that "Avon" from FsxNet 21:* and "Nick" from FidoNet 1:* helped me. There aren't really any trolls, and when people contact us, it's usually to help, encourage, and give us tips.

    To me, a BBS is a piece of art from the early days of computing, where the local community used this tool to inform and entertain. I believe the essence of a BBS is to have some games, discussion forums on general topics for those interested, and a clear purpose with file and text pages, allowing users to share their hobbies. And another important aspect is having modems.

    Why modems? Because they were the very foundation of BBSs. It was the only means of communication back then. The internet and high-speed access didn't exist at that time. We have a responsibility, both as BBS owners and users, to keep this technology alive. The internet as we know it existed alongside BBSs before, serving as a way to connect with the world. Now, platforms like Facebook are there to make money, and if one day they stop making money, they will just shut down.

    My generation grew up with BBSs, modems, CPUs starting at 2 MHz, floppy drives, and more. Today's youth only know smartphones. Give them a rotary phone, and they don't even know what it's really for. Our generation has the responsibility to preserve history and bridge the gap with new generations. We are the guardians of history. I am on a waiting list to get a replica of a Cromemco Z-1 with the S-132 module. I plan to get other kits after that. Retro computing is a wonderful hobby that still has much to teach and offer. What's great about the Cromemco Z-1 is that there are Telnet clients on it, so you can use it to access BBSs. I'll also try to connect a modem to it, which seems to be possible.

    So, that's my take! :) I don't know if this resonates with others, but it's how I see things.

    VA2RFC BBS Les M‚chins, Qu‚bec Canada
    SysOp: rmurray PhoneNet: 1000040 (Modem)
    Telnet: va2rfcbbs.photorm.net:23 FsxNet: 21:1/235 FidoNet: 1:229/114

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: VA2RFC BBS (21:1/235)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to rmurray on Sun Aug 25 09:28:04 2024
    To me, a BBS is a piece of art from the early days of computing, where
    the local community used this tool to inform and entertain. I believe
    the essence of a BBS is to have some games, discussion forums on general topics for those interested, and a clear purpose with file and text
    pages, allowing users to share their hobbies. And another important
    aspect is having modems.

    I agree with your thoughts and the community needs more ambassadors to step up and build the things. I also think deon's sentiment will ring true for the vast majority of users - however, this community is only growing IMO.

    You MUST create a community around it, else you won't have enough users willing to support it.

    I suggest a website to go along w/ PhoneNet - and, you'll have to market it to retro communities beyond BBSes. Sure, BBSes are the ACTUAL users most apt to use PN - but theres also retro computing communities on Youtube, FakeBook, Reddit and other places that might get users who don't already frequent BBSes interested in doing so the historical way using modems.

    I think its a great project - I'll support it, but I'm just $1 - and I think you'll have to market it to a much wider audience to cover your costs. The other way is just to doso as a passion project; thats what 2oFB is for me... that being stated, after years of running 2oFB - and growing its community - I did have a successful FUNdraiser this summer... but I had to build it before anyone was willing to support it.

    As stated - I'll be watching for more info about your project, I'll support it... and hope you figure out how to get enough people interested that you're able to continue.

    Make a Youtube video? Post/market on many OTHER platforms? Continue here?? Come by 2oFB and post in the local message areas - I'll post my interest... kudos & good luck!!


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From rmurray@21:1/235 to paulie420 on Sun Aug 25 18:37:01 2024
    Make a Youtube video? Post/market on many OTHER platforms? Continue
    here?? Come by 2oFB and post in the local message areas - I'll post my interest... kudos & good luck!!


    I saw what you accomplished with 2600.network, and I find it admirable. I know all the effort you put into creating a business, including one that grew quite large until my co-partner, who was the salesperson, made some mistakes that led the company to bankruptcy.

    I feel that, in some ways, our projects are similar. I would love to collaborate on certain aspects if the opportunity arises, to bring this project to life together. My goal is not to become rich, but simply to be able to say that the project is self-sustaining. I already have a server park that is of a similar size, if not slightly larger than yours. However, we're not competing to see who has the largest setup! :))))

    I spend a lot of time on the technical side, managing several projects in parallel. Creating a website was actually part of my plans. Usually, I have a partner and a half in this project, but we are having difficulty with the "half-partner," who is the youngest and normally our salesperson. The problem is, he's young and doesn't realize that there are things beyond mobile phones on this planet. He compares what we have with a basic SIP product, which offers neither service nor sound quality.

    I have made quality audio on my PBX a priority so that modems can reach 33,600 bps and beyond, and even for faxes. However, what disappoints me is that instead of having a community united around the history of computing and BBSs, retro computing, and keeping our "artworks" running, it seems that many are doing the bare minimum and even waiting for it all to disappear.

    I come from the amateur radio world, which could also vanish. But the community around amateur radio is much more tight-knit than that of BBSs and retro computing. I even did a test at the beginning to gauge the community by asking for help to run TradeWars 2002 on DOS on Windows 10 with DOSBox on Mystic BBS. I found that either people didn’t care, didn’t know anything about it, or there’s almost no one on BBSs.

    I also wanted to bridge the gap with the amateur radio world to bring in the two largest clubs in Quebec, including the biggest one in Canada. But it seems people are also reluctant to welcome French speakers. However, we’re talking about a community of nearly 500 people who were showing interest. All it would take is a bit of promotion and showing them how to access a BBS via Telnet, Packet UHF, or modems. But if there's no serious commitment, I'm not going to risk my reputation bringing them into the BBS community. Yet, they are an ideal and francophone audience.

    I'm observing what's happening with my colleagues on this project, but for now, it's a bit uncertain. They found the BBS community somewhat cold.

    I'm glad to see that you still have some magic in you, and I will keep a close eye on your project, BBS, etc.

    Thank you very much for your advice.

    VA2RFC BBS Les M‚chins, Qu‚bec Canada
    SysOp: rmurray PhoneNet: 1000040 (Modem)
    Telnet: va2rfcbbs.photorm.net:23 FsxNet: 21:1/235 FidoNet: 1:229/114

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: VA2RFC BBS (21:1/235)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to rmurray on Sun Aug 25 20:22:33 2024
    Make a Youtube video? Post/market on many OTHER platforms? Continue here?? Come by 2oFB and post in the local message areas - I'll post m interest... kudos & good luck!!

    I saw what you accomplished with 2600.network, and I find it admirable.
    I know all the effort you put into creating a business, including one
    that grew quite large until my co-partner, who was the salesperson, made some mistakes that led the company to bankruptcy.

    2600.network isn't my work - but rather the user Flex. I do use the service - and love that Flex has continued [another persons] original project beyond what RSX Net[?] originally provided...


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From rmurray@21:1/235 to paulie420 on Mon Aug 26 09:09:06 2024
    2600.network isn't my work - but rather the user Flex. I do use the service - and love that Flex has continued [another persons] original project beyond what RSX Net[?] originally provided...


    Ok!... :)

    VA2RFC BBS Les M‚chins, Qu‚bec Canada
    SysOp: rmurray PhoneNet: 1000040 (Modem)
    Telnet: va2rfcbbs.photorm.net:23 FsxNet: 21:1/235 FidoNet: 1:229/114

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: VA2RFC BBS (21:1/235)