• Othello 3.02

    From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to Exodus on Wed Jun 26 19:18:50 2024
    I wrote a text file OTH302KY.TXT with instructions for registering Othello 3.02 (OTH302.ZIP). OTH302KY.TXT can be found on Another Millennium BBS (another.tel) in file area 4 (cracks).

    The contents of OTH302KY.TXT are also conveniently included below. :)

    Let me know if you try it and have any issues - it's a surprise there isn't more to it, but this seems to be all there is to it unless there's some sneaky secret hiding.


    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registering Othello 3.02 by Blue Sunrise Entertainment, May 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- text file by akacastor - 2024-06-26 - [ AP Class ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Let's cut right to the chase. To register Othello, create a file named REGISTER.KEY containing the name you want displayed as "Registered to:".

    That's it. Strange, but apparently true.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example REGISTER.KEY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -- begin REGISTER.KEY --
    [ AP Class ]
    -- end REGISTER.KEY --

    REGISTER.KEY, 14 bytes

    When Othello starts, it displays "Registered to: [ AP Class ]".

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Othello -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The SYSOP.DOC file mentions "Using the OPENDOORS programming library by Brian Pirie", and within OTHELLO.EXE the following text is included in the registration key validation: (line breaks added)

    "Registration Key Decoding Algorithm v2.20.
    (C) Copyright 1992, Brian Pirie.
    All Rights Reserved.
    Contact - FidoNet: 1:243/8,
    Internet: brian@bpecomm.pinetree.org,
    Data: +1 613 526 4466,
    Postal: 1416-2201 Riverside Dr., Ottawa ON, Canada, K1H 8K9"

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Exodus "Found one that might be easy for you." - you weren't kidding!
    The Titantic BBS - ttb.rgbbs.info

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP Class NEWS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Hackers on Another Millennium are excited about a new official AP Class distro board that isn't public yet. More news to come! (Unless you're l33t enough that you know all about it already, in which case congratulations you smug bastard.)


    T H E @ ############
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    @@@ @@ @@ ### ###
    @@ @@@@ @@ ### ####
    @@ @@ @ @@ ### ###
    @ @@ @@ @ ### ####
    @ @@ @@ @@@@##########
    @ @@ @@ @@@@@@ ###
    @ @@ @@@@@@ @ ###
    @ @@ @@@@@@ @ #M#
    @ @@@@@@ @@ @ #t#
    @@ @@@@ @@ @@ #M#
    @@@@@ @@@@ ###
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    @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ #####
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    @ @ C L A S S
    guess what... 1994, 2024, your shit's still getting cracked.
    it's just now more of a philanthropic move instead of an anarchist one.

    I bet this would run great on a FUCKING 286! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)
  • From Exodus@21:1/144 to Akacastor on Wed Jun 26 22:42:47 2024

    -- begin REGISTER.KEY --
    [ AP Class ]
    -- end REGISTER.KEY --

    HAHAHAHHAHAH That's the funniest thing I ever saw ... works great! :) Now one to Evangalist Wars. ;)

    Exodus "Found one that might be easy for you." - you weren't kidding!
    The Titantic BBS - ttb.rgbbs.info

    hahahahaha ------- Thanks again! :)

    ... Man with forked tongue has no need for chopsticks.

    --- Renegade v1.35à/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (21:1/144)
  • From Shurato@21:2/148 to Exodus on Tue Jul 2 00:46:00 2024

    -- begin REGISTER.KEY -- [ AP Class ] -- end REGISTER.KEY

    HAHAHAHHAHAH That's the funniest thing I ever saw ... works great! :)
    Now one to Evangalist Wars. ;)

    Exodus "Found one that might be easy for you." - you weren't kidding!
    The Titantic BBS - ttb.rgbbs.info

    The game shows that it's registered, but the High Scores say "Unregistered".

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
    ,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,8080) (ssh login 'bbs' pass 'shsbbs').

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (21:2/148)
  • From Exodus@21:1/144 to Shurato on Tue Jul 2 06:11:03 2024
    The game shows that it's registered, but the High Scores say "Unregistered"

    Thats even more funny.

    ... Nothing's foolproof. Idiots are too ingenious.

    --- Renegade v1.35à/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (21:1/144)
  • From Shurato@21:2/148 to Exodus on Tue Jul 2 08:28:00 2024

    * In a message originally to Shurato, Exodus said:

    The game shows that it's registered, but the High Scores say

    Thats even more funny.

    I've won some games and the winning scores are never posted. It's not really registered.

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
    ,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,8080) (ssh login 'bbs' pass 'shsbbs').

    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (21:2/148)
  • From Shurato@21:2/148 to Exodus on Tue Jul 2 19:52:00 2024

    The game shows that it's registered, but the High Scores say

    Thats even more funny.

    I found a keygen, you can find it at shsbbs.net in the bbs files / keys and cracks directory.

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
    ,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,8080) (ssh login 'bbs' pass 'shsbbs').

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (21:2/148)
  • From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to Shurato on Wed Jul 3 17:26:16 2024
    The game shows that it's registered, but the High Scores say

    Thats even more funny.

    I found a keygen, you can find it at shsbbs.net in the bbs files / keys and cracks directory.

    Thanks for sharing the keygen!

    I had assumed that the 'unregistered' entries in the high scores list was just due to additional scores not having been set yet - obviously I didn't test that properly. When I was disassembling Othello, I did see that there's a part of the key-checking routine that I skipped over, it looked a bit suspicious but wouldn't have been the first time there was irrelevant code in the function - I guess you found that it wasn't irrelevant after all. :)

    There's always a "aww damn, you got me!" moment when I find out a program that APPEARED to accept my fake registration later calls me out on it. (FrontDoor is in that category right now too! I'll crack JoHo's code yet, though.)


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)
  • From Exodus@21:1/144 to Shurato on Wed Jul 3 06:08:34 2024
    I found a keygen, you can find it at shsbbs.net in the bbs files / keys and cracks directory.

    Cool ... will stop over later.

    ... Let's take a chance on living; before we die!

    --- Renegade v1.35à/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (21:1/144)
  • From Exodus@21:1/144 to Akacastor on Wed Jul 3 22:16:47 2024
    I had assumed that the 'unregistered' entries in the high scores list was j due to additional scores not having been set yet - obviously I didn't test

    Most of these keygens seems to be wrote by the same person. Any idea who is writing them?

    ... C program run. C program crash. C programmer quit.

    --- Renegade v1.35à/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (21:1/144)
  • From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to Exodus on Thu Jul 4 00:26:10 2024
    Most of these keygens seems to be wrote by the same
    person. Any idea who is writing them?


    BertBert cranked out v1.00 of another reg-a-ma-jig and this time it's for> Othello Door. His time on this planet is being well spent, wouldn't you say?

    I guess this one is compliments of BertBert.


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)