• SW64 - Чем отличается eWorkPlace (eCS 1.1) от XWorkPlace?

    From FAQServer@2:5020/181 to All on Sat Jan 4 07:37:10 2025
    [Q]: Чем отличается eWorkPlace (eCS 1.1) от XWorkPlace?

    [A]: Eugene Gorbunoff (2:5030/769)

    Features present removed ==========================================================================


    Icon replacements X

    Object page X
    Has been merged with the "Icon" page.

    More system sounds X

    Disable default menu items individually X

    Folder features:

    Configurable context menus via config folder X

    Select by name X
    Copy Filename X
    Move "refresh now" to main context menu X

    Display "small icons" etc. in "View" submenu X

    New "Create another" with positioning X

    Folder status bars X
    configurable codes (status bars page 2) X

    Folder content menus X
    Will remain in XCenter object buttons however.

    Quick-open folders X

    Full path in title X

    Snap to grid X

    Folder hotkeys X

    Display folder hotkeys in context menus X

    Auto-scrolling of tree views X
    (now enabled by default)

    Extended folder sorting X
    This is totally transparent to the user
    and isn't any more complicated than the
    standard folder sorting.

    Replacement folder refresh X
    Enabled by default.

    Folder default view override X
    (no longer make folders open in the
    same view as the parent)

    Folder default documents X

    Replace "File exists" X

    Turbo folders X

    Disk features:
    Replace "drive not ready" X
    Has been removed because people are still
    reporting problems with ZIP drives and such.

    Replace "Details" page X

    Data file features:
    Extended associations X
    Has been removed for now because I was unable
    to get a decent default setup ready in time.
    Will come back if I manage to do this before eCS 1.1.

    Replacement "File" page X
    Replaces three file pages into one.

    New second "File" page which lists EAs X

    File attributes in context menu X

    Desktop features
    Remove "Sort" and "Arrange" for desktop X
    As opposed to all the other menu items,
    this should be disabled for the desktop
    per default. People hit "Sort" too
    easily for the desktop.

    Program file features
    New settings pages "Module", "Resources" ... X
    Most useful for programmers, I guess.

    Hook features:

    Pager (virtual desktops) X

    Sliding focus X

    Sliding menus X
    (I propose to leave this in to make
    menus behave like with Win95.)

    Mouse button 3 features X

    Auto-hide mouse X

    Move ptr to default button X

    Object hotkeys X
    Win95 has this built in, so we should
    have this also.

    XShutdown, restart Desktop X
    Shutdown folder X

    Startup features:
    Replacement startup folder X

    Desktop start logos X

    Extended archiving X

    Enable NumLock on startup X

    --- INN 2.7.3 (20241006 prerelease)
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