• PRG43 - New API's in Warp 4

    From FAQServer@2:5020/181 to All on Wed Dec 18 07:37:06 2024
    [Q]: New API's in Warp 4

    [A]: Richard Reuters (2:2433/601.11)

    Here is a (uncomplete) list of new API's in Warp 4:

    FFSTProbe FFST.H
    FFSTQueryConfiguration FFST.H
    FFSTSetConfiguration FFST.H
    LayoutCreateObject LAYOUT.H
    LayoutDestroyObject LAYOUT.H
    LayoutSetValues LAYOUT.H
    LayoutQueryValues LAYOUT.H
    LayoutTransformText LAYOUT.H
    LayoutEditShape LAYOUT.H
    LogOpenFile LFDEF.H
    LogCloseFile LFDEF.H
    LogReadEntry LFDEF.H
    LogFormatEntry LFDEF.H
    LogOpenEventNotification LFDEF.H
    LogCloseEventNotification LFDEF.H
    LogChangeEventFilter LFDEF.H
    LogWaitEvent LFDEF.H
    PrtNewPage PMSPL.H
    PrtResetAbort PMSPL.H
    WinDBCSIMEControl OS2NLS.H
    WinDBCSLoadFontDriver OS2NLS.H
    WinDBCSModeControl OS2NLS.H
    WinDBCSQueryFDDescription OS2NLS.H
    WinDBCSUnloadFontDriver OS2NLS.H
    DevPostEscape PMDEV.H
    GpiBeginInkPath PMGPI.H
    GpiCreateEllipticRegion PMGPI.H
    GpiCreatePolygonRegion PMGPI.H
    GpiCreateRoundRectRegion PMGPI.H
    GpiEndInkPath PMGPI.H
    GpiQueryFontMappingFlags PMGPI.H
    GpiQueryNearestPaletteIndex PMGPI.H
    GpiQueryRasterizerCaps PMGPI.H
    GpiQueryTabbedTextExtent PMGPI.H
    GpiResizePalette PMGPI.H
    GpiResumePlay PMGPI.H
    GpiSetFontMappingFlags PMGPI.H
    GpiStrokeInkPath PMGPI.H
    GpiSuspendPlay PMGPI.H
    GpiTabbedCharStringAt PMGPI.H
    PrfCreateGroup PMSHL.H
    PrfQueryProgramCategory PMSHL.H
    PrfQueryProgramHandle PMSHL.H
    SplQpClose PMSPL.H
    SplQpControl PMSPL.H
    SplQpInstall PMSPL.H
    SplQpOpen PMSPL.H
    SplQpPrintSeparator PMSPL.H
    SplQpPrint PMSPL.H
    SplQpQueryDt PMSPL.H
    SplQpQueryFlags PMSPL.H
    SplQueryDriver PMSPL.H
    SplSetDriver PMSPL.H
    DrgQueryFormat PMSTDDLG.H
    WinQueryClipRegion PMWIN.H
    WinSetClipRegion PMWIN.H
    WinNotebookButtonFromID WPOBJECT.H
    WinWaitForShell WPOBJECT.H
    ShlGetUserWordPtr WPOBJECT.H

    --- INN 2.7.3 (20241006 prerelease)
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