• PRG34 - XDS (Modula-2 and Oberon-2 compilers) ¨­ä®p¬ æ¨ï

    From FAQServer@2:5020/181 to All on Mon Dec 16 07:37:08 2024
    [Q]: XDS (Modula-2 and Oberon-2 compilers) ¨­ä®p¬ æ¨ï

    [A]: Dmitry V. Leskov (SNOWMAN@iis.nsk.su)

    xTech Ltd. is pleased to inform that the XDS-related mailing list have been
    set up. We intend to use it to keep in touch with our customers, beta
    testers, and all who evaluates our pre-releases.

    A few words for those who have no idea what XDS is. XDS is a professional multi-platform development system featuring Modula-2 and Oberon-2 languages. The Modula-2 compiler complies with ISO Modula-2 standard which is about to
    be published soon. Full set of ISO libraries is provided. OS/2 and Win32 editions come with IDE and host OS API definition modules.

    For more information about XDS, please visit our Web pages at:

    http://www.dct.com/~johnm/xds.html (US mirror)

    Now, back to the mailing list. The following kinds of information
    will be posted to this list on a regular basis:
    - Announce new XDS implementations, (pre-)releases, betas, updates etc.
    - Announce new tools, utilities, libraries etc.
    - Known and fixed bug lists with workarounds
    - XDS FAQ, tips, trick, hints and stuff like that

    At the same time, we invite all XDS users to ask questions, make contacts, share their XDS experience by means of this list.

    To subscribe to the XDS mailing list, send message with the following body:
    subscribe xds

    to majordomo@listserv.iis.nsk.su.

    To submit a posting to the list, send it to xds@listserv.iis.nsk.su.

    To learn more about listserver commands, send message

    to majordomo@listserv.iis.nsk.su

    [A]: Max Alekseyev (2:5015/60)

    XDS ®ä¨æ¨ «ì­® ¯p¥ªp â¨«  ¯®¤¤¥p¦ªy OS/2. ˆ ¤ ¦¥ áâ pë¥ ¢¥pᨨ ⥯¥pì ­¥¤®áây¯­ë á ¨å á ©â .

    --- INN 2.7.3 (20241006 prerelease)
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