Hi Nikozeel,
17.12.2024 20:03:04, Nikozeel Hinstein <
Nikozeel.Hinstein@p11.f715.n5020.z2.fidonet.org> wrote:
Поставил сабжонка и решил копротестировать. И вот что вышло. Да как
вышло. Hе просто так в федонет Власть выдавалась...
Вы таки будете веселиться, я знаю. Такое комментировать -- только
"Уникальная цифровая экосистема"... Это ChatGPT 4o:
Q: Who is Nikozeel Hinstein in relation to the Fidonet global dial-up
A: Nikozeel Hinstein is known as a prominent figure within the Fidonet
global dial-up network. He has been involved in the development and
maintenance of various aspects of Fidonet, contributing to its
community and technical infrastructure. Fidonet itself is a worldwide
computer network that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s for bulletin
board systems (BBS) and email exchanges over dial-up connections.
Hinstein's contributions may include software development, network administration, or community engagement within this unique digital
ecosystem. If you have specific details or aspects about him that
you're interested in, please let me know!
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized." -- Sun tzu
--- InterSquish NNTP Server/FTN Gate
* Origin: www.wfido.ru (2:5023/24.4222)