Hello, Max!
Tuesday February 20 2024 10:45, from Max Vasilyev -> Nil Alexandrov:
祬 ࠭ 몥 RU. 訢?
@뢠 ;-) ᮮ饭 ࠭ , ⮡ ९뢠.
Here is a question of the day. Anybody is still using $Echo_tag
for exotic OS like mentioned in the $Subj line?
, ᮡࠥ.
DOS-DPMI - ⥡ djgpp. GoldED+ ᮡ real-mode, ?
OS/2-libc066 - gcc (ecm) Watcom?
Win32-msvc6dll - ॠ쭮 , - ண ++ 樨 ࠡ. .. 95 ?
mingw/mingw64 ᮡ?
Win64-msvc10dll - ᠬ ୮, ᥣ ᨤ.
There are currently three ancient platforms that bother us.
open source.
H뢠, ਬ, GoldEd 4.
4 ᠬ . 娢 GS990518.RAR 栬. ७ᥭ , .
㤥 ++11.
த 㤠 㩤 - ४᭮.
... ⮦ ⠪ , .
Best Regards, Nil
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
* Origin: Linux 2.6.32-042stab145.3 (2:5015/46)