• Are there users of GoldED+ DOS, OS/2,

    From Nil Alexandrov@1:16/101 to All on Wed Feb 7 08:48:18 2024
    Here is a question of the day. Anybody is still using $Echo_tag for exotic OS like mentioned in the $Subj line?

    The question comes from the current official/unofficial maintainers of GoldED+ who eager to finally drop backward compatibility with that old shit. We would like to have at least -std=c++11 as a minimum requirement, so we can actually ditch those memset()/memcpy() pre-C++ era expressions here and there in the code. Well, the rationale behind this idea is that if you are still excited about that authentic DOS experience then go ahead and f..ur slf and use the original Mr. Sorensen s/w and not the plus one.

    There are currently three ancient platforms that bother us.
    M$ DOS DJGPP, OpenWatcom C++
    OS/2 GCC, OpenWatcom
    <WinXP migw, VC6

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: -=NIL BBS=- (1:16/101)
  • From Alexey Fayans@2:5030/1997 to Nil Alexandrov on Wed Feb 7 10:46:04 2024
    Hello Nil!

    On Wed, 07 Feb 2024 08:48 +0300, in a message to All, you wrote:

    Here is a question of the day. Anybody is still using $Echo_tag for
    exotic OS like mentioned in the $Subj line?

    XP - ᮢᥬ ⨪. 㠫 䨤⮬ - ᠬ .

    XP ᮡ ᮢ६묨 ࠬ. , FAR ᮡ .

    ... Music Station BBS | https://bbs.bsrealm.net | telnet://bbs.bsrealm.net
    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20230826
    * Origin: Music Station | https://ms.bsrealm.net (2:5030/1997)
  • From Sergey Anohin@2:5034/10.1 to Nil Alexandrov on Wed Feb 7 11:48:36 2024
    Hello, Nil!

    The question comes from the current official/unofficial maintainers of GoldED+ who eager to finally drop backward compatibility with that old shit. We would like to have at least -std=c++11 as a minimum requirement, so we can actually ditch those memset()/memcpy() pre-C++ era expressions here and there in the code. Well, the rationale behind this idea is that if you are still excited about that authentic DOS experience then go ahead and f..ur slf and use the original Mr. Sorensen s/w and not the plus one.

    ᯮ짮 memcpy ᯮ짮 ⮫쪮 memmove, ᪮ :))))

    訬 ﬨ, Sergey Anohin.

    --- wfido
    * Origin: https://5034.ru/wfido (2:5034/10.1)
  • From Nil A@2:5015/46 to Sergey Anohin on Wed Feb 7 16:37:38 2024
    Hello, Sergey!

    Wednesday February 07 2024 11:48, from Sergey Anohin -> Nil Alexandrov:

    The question comes from the current official/unofficial
    maintainers of GoldED+ who eager to finally drop backward
    compatibility with that old shit. We would like to have at least
    -std=c++11 as a minimum requirement, so we can actually ditch
    those memset()/memcpy() pre-C++ era expressions here and there in
    the code. Well, the rationale behind this idea is that if you are
    still excited about that authentic DOS experience then go ahead
    and f..ur slf and use the original Mr. Sorensen s/w and not the
    plus one.

    ᯮ짮 memcpy ᯮ짮 ⮫쪮 memmove, ᪮ :))))

    - , ⥭ ᮢ.
    ᫥ ⠫ std::string, std::vector, த ஢ 樨஢ "ꥪ" memset(), memcpy() 筮.

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: Linux 2.6.32-042stab145.3 (2:5015/46)
  • From Oleg Redut@2:5000/111 to Nil A on Thu Feb 8 08:49:00 2024
    ஥ (current) ६ ⮪, Nil!

    - , ⥭ ᮢ.
    ᫥ ⠫ std::string, std::vector,

    ⠪ ᫥  ⠢
    using namespace std;


    ... AKA oleg(&)redut.info AKA https://t.me/OVRnsk
    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707 ( ࠡ⠥)
    * Origin: --- ... ।... --- (2:5000/111)
  • From Max Vasilyev@2:5057/77 to Nil Alexandrov on Tue Feb 20 10:45:26 2024
    Hello Nil!

    07 Feb 24 08:48, you wrote to All:

    Here is a question of the day. Anybody is still using $Echo_tag for
    exotic OS like mentioned in the $Subj line?
    祬 ࠭ 몥 RU. 訢?

    There are currently three ancient platforms that bother us.
    open source.
    H뢠, ਬ, GoldEd 4.
    㤥 ++11.
    ᫨ த 㤠 㩤 - ४᭮.
    ⠪ 20+ ஢ 騬 .
    ਡ, , -, ᮢ⨬ ⮫쪮 ⥬, 뫮 , 㡥.

    拉 ⮣ 㡠 ᨤ ᫠, ⠡, ९ ᯨ ⪨ .
    - "㭨 ந".
    ࠧ 5 㦥 ந.

    () GoldEd 4.
    ࠡ⠥, ⮡ 뫮 뤭 - 室 .

    WBR, Max.
    --- FleetStreet' :-(((
    * Origin: Personal Reality (2:5057/77)
  • From Nil A@2:5015/46 to Max Vasilyev on Tue Feb 20 17:24:32 2024
    Hello, Max!

    Tuesday February 20 2024 10:45, from Max Vasilyev -> Nil Alexandrov:

    祬 ࠭ 몥 RU. 訢?

    @뢠 ;-) ᪮஢ ᮮ饭 ࠭ , ⮡ ९뢠.

    Here is a question of the day. Anybody is still using $Echo_tag
    for exotic OS like mentioned in the $Subj line?

    , ᮡࠥ.

    DOS-DPMI - ⥡ djgpp. GoldED+ ᮡ real-mode,  ᫮?

    OS/2-libc066 - gcc (ecm) Watcom?

    Win32-msvc6dll - ॠ쭮 , - ண ++ 樨 ࠡ. .. 95 ?
    mingw/mingw64 ஡ ᮡ?
    Win64-msvc10dll - ᠬ ୮, ᥣ ᨤ.

    There are currently three ancient platforms that bother us.
    open source.
    H뢠, ਬ, GoldEd 4.

    4 ᠬ . 娢 GS990518.RAR 栬. ७ᥭ ஬, .

    㤥 ++11.
    ᫨ த 㤠 㩤 - ४᭮.

    ... ⮦ ⠪ ,  ஢.

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: Linux 2.6.32-042stab145.3 (2:5015/46)
  • From Max Vasilyev@2:5057/77 to Nil A on Tue Feb 20 21:03:32 2024
    Hello Nil!

    20 Feb 24 17:24, you wrote to me:

    DOS-DPMI - ⥡ djgpp. GoldED+ ᮡ

    real-mode,  ᫮?
    ⭮ 뫮

    OS/2-libc066 - gcc (ecm) Watcom?
    祭 ॢ gcc

    Win32-msvc6dll - ॠ쭮 , - ண ++ 樨 ࠡ. .. 95 ? H
    , ࠡ⠥
    H H ᪠ ॠ쭮

    mingw/mingw64 ஡ ᮡ?
    ࠧ ⠫ প ॢ 襪?

    WBR, Max.
    --- FleetStreet' :-(((
    * Origin: Personal Reality (2:5057/77)