После четырёх месяцев голосований в эхе ZONE4.VOTING, сисопами Z4 был
избран новый Z4C.
Им стал Fernando Toledo (4:902/26)
From : Fernando Toledo 4:902/26 21 окт 24 12:05:16
Subj : Re: Z4 updates / Cambios Z4 =============================================================================== hi WArd!
The Z4 sysops have created a zone ZONE4.VOTING where we send the proposals and a ZC change was voted on.
I have been selected to take this position.
I was for a while with limited access due to family issues
But now I'm back.
The next step is to reconnect the routing of the zones against my bbs.
I take this opportunity to ask you with whom I should make the links of Z1 and Z2 since we have to do everything from scratch
Thanks! ===============================================================================
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Alexander.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
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