• Z2DAILY issue solved

    From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042 to All on Tue Jun 18 19:45:22 2024

    Предыдущее сообщение Варда о том, что якобы что-то было не так в
    выпущенном нодлисте, было ошибочным. а самом деле после ухода Michiel
    van der Vlist Вард закомментировал его строчку в группе узлов,
    подписанных на файлэху Z2DAILY. Из-за старой ошибки в его
    файлэхопроцессоре комментарий был воспринят как конец группы и все узлы в группе ниже этого комментария оказались по существу отписанными от
    файлэхи. Вард убрал комментарий и всё заработало.

    * From : Ward Dossche, 2:292/854 (18 June 2024 12:44)
    * To : All
    * Subj : Z2DAILY issue solved ==================================================================

    When Michiel van der Vlist dropped from the nodelist I merely commented his entry lines for TIC-distribution out in case he would return.

    It seems there's a stone-age old glitch in this software and when a comment-line is within the group of nodes for a specific file-echo, that is treated as "end of parameters" instead of merely a "comment". I lifted the comment-line and it worked. Z2DAILY is properly distributed again.

    What this means is that a large bunch of nodes getting the Z2DAILY direct
    from me, being listed "after" Michiel, now got it from someone else and
    didn't notice in most or all of these cases (or didn't notice due to the
    smal number of changes these days and continued with the previous Z2DAILY).

    It also means the Fidoweb is working, as Bjorn would say. And rightfully so.

    Thank you Michael Dukelsky for pointing me to the issue and offering information for solving it.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854) =============================================================================

    ... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ==<<.f1042.ru.>>== (2:5020/1042)