• ENET.SYSOP: Проблема с Z2DAILY

    From Vladimir Fyodorov@2:6035/3.1 to All on Tue Jun 18 13:33:18 2024

    Z2C сообщил, что при генерации очередного ежедневного нодлиста произошёл сбой, из-за которого "многие записи были уничтожены". овый Z2Daily будет выпущен после изучения вопроса и исправления проблемы.

    Впрочем, Wilfred van Velzen сказал, что в пришедшем к нему файле нодлиста
    не замечено ничего необычного.
    * Area : ENET.SYSOP
    * From : Ward Dossche, 2:292/854 (18 Июня 2024 10:25)
    * Subj : Z2DAILY issue ============================================================================= It seems there has been a glitch in the Z2DAILY generation of this past night.

    The file is not OK as a lot of entries got trashed. I do not yet know "why" but I'm looking into the matter.

    A new Z2DAILY will be issued once the issue has been corrected. Hopefully today.

    At the moment my 1 yr old granddaughter is visiting. All the rest has a lower priority.

    \%/@rd =============================================================================

    * Area : ENET.SYSOP
    * From : Wilfred van Velzen, 2:280/464 (18 Июня 2024 10:34)
    * To : Ward Dossche
    * Subj : Re: Z2DAILY issue ============================================================================= Hi Ward,

    On 2024-06-18 10:25:03, you wrote to Y'all:

    It seems there has been a glitch in the Z2DAILY generation of this
    past night.

    The file is not OK as a lot of entries got trashed. I do not yet know "why" but I'm looking into the matter.

    I don't see any issues in the file I received from you last night. There are no more changes then the regular ones:

    # diff Z2DAILY.169 Z2DAILY.170
    < ;A FidoNet Nodelist for Monday, June 17, 2024 -- Day number 169 : 07645
    ;A FidoNet Nodelist for Tuesday, June 18, 2024 -- Day number 170 : 32897
    < Zone,1,North_America_(168),Toronto,Nick_Andre,1-647-847-2083,9600,CM,XX,INA:b bs.darkrealms.ca,IBN,PING,TRACE
    Zone,1,North_America_(169),Toronto,Nick_Andre,1-647-847-2083,9600,CM,XX,I NA:bbs.darkrealms.ca,IBN,PING,TRACE
    < Zone,2,Eur_(169),B,Ward_Dossche,-Unpublished-,300,CM,MO,INA:many-glacier.dynd ns.org,IBN,IFT,PING,IMI:fido@dossche.org,U,ENC
    Zone,2,Eur_(170),B,Ward_Dossche,-Unpublished-,300,CM,MO,INA:many-glacier. dyndns.org,IBN,IFT,PING,IMI:fido@dossche.org,U,ENC
    < Host,280,Nederland(168),Heerhugowaard,Kees_van_Eeten,-Unpublished-,300,CM,MO, XW,IBN:fido.ddutch.nl,U,ENC
    Host,280,Nederland(169),Heerhugowaard,Kees_van_Eeten,-Unpublished-,300,CM ,MO,XW,IBN:fido.ddutch.nl,U,ENC
    < Hub,80,Hub_80_(168),Belgie,Ward_Dossche,-Unpublished-,300,CM,MO,INA:many-glac ier.dyndns.org,IBN,IFT,IMI:fido@dossche.org,PING,U,ENC
    < ,854,Many-Glacier_(168),Mortsel_B,Ward_Dossche,-Unpublished-,300,CM,MO,INA:ma ny-glacier.dyndns.org,IBN,IFT,IMI:fido@dossche.org,PING, U, ENC
    Hub,80,Hub_80_(169),Belgie,Ward_Dossche,-Unpublished-,300,CM,MO,INA:many- glacier.dyndns.org,IBN,IFT,IMI:fido@dossche.org,PING,U,ENC ,854,Many-Glacier_(169),Mortsel_B,Ward_Dossche,-Unpublished-,300,CM,MO,IN A:many-glacier.dyndns.org,IBN,IFT,IMI:fido@dossche.org,PING,U,ENC

    The same goes for the UTF version of the daily...

    Bye, Wilfred. =============================================================================

    --- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Esquire Station (2:6035/3.1)