• PLMake 2.0 beta release for Linux and Windows

    From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to All on Fri Jun 21 13:44:48 2024
    * Originally in POINTKOORD.EUR
    * Crossposted in POINTS
    * Crossposted in NET_DEV

    Hi All,

    What it is:

    PLMake compiles a St. Louis (Boss) style pointlist from segments.

    It is a FidoNet-technology utility to generate a net- regional- or zonal pointlist in the 'Boss' variant of the extended St. Louis format, from list segments provided by a lower coordinator or boss system operators.
    Also an existing pointlist can be reformatted and if numeric extensions are used for the names, diff files can be generated.


    Since I'm the new RPK for Region 28, and I wanted to automate the generating of the region pointlist segment on my linux system. I decided to convert the existing DOS version of PLMake 1.06 by Michiel van der Vlist (of which the C source was available) to Linux. This release is the result of that. Maybe it is usefull to other [NRZ]PK's?


    A binary download for Windows can be found here:



    The linux version, you need to build yourself. It's not difficult! ;-)
    You need the basic set of development tools for it.

    These are the steps/commands:

    # git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/plmake/code plmake
    # cd plmake
    # mkdir cmake-build
    # cd cmake-build
    # cmake ..
    # make

    If you need help with this, or want a linux binary, please let me know.

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)