Echo Successfully Updated.
TITLe: Discussion of new and future Fidonet technologies.
Language: ENGLISH
A place for anyone interested in talking about existing fidonet
programs, improvements to all things fidonet-related but limited to
technology-talk. Discuss your "wishlist" for fidonet technologies.
Announce new and upcoming fidonet projects.
Enthusiasm is welcome. Visionaries are invited. Brainstorming is
encouraged. Apathy is discouraged. Users and/or Sysops welcome.
This echo is also available for your smartphone/tablet with Telegram.
To begin, simply go to
OR.. Send the command %HELP to the @Fido2telebot in Telegram.
Please SIGN with your real name if requested.
RULEs: Be Civil.
Rules Content:
MODerator: August Abolins, 2:221/1.58
RESTrictions: /REAL
DISTribution: Fidonet + Telegram
From: August Abolins, 2:221/1.58
Updated on: 2024/12/08 and valid till 2025/10/31
Produced by Elist v5.4.41
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* Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)