• Finally upgraded.

    From Mark Hofmann@1:261/1304 to All on Thu Feb 13 19:35:12 2025

    This morning, I finally upgraded to the latest and greatest D'Bridge version. Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome work! I noticed my vCPU being much less now running several D'Bridge instances in a VM under an old Windows Server VM.

    Once I realized I had to change the OS detection from "Auto" to "Windows", the timeslicing code really improved majorly. Works like a champ!

    - Mark

    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (1:261/1304.0)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Mark Hofmann on Thu Feb 13 22:10:37 2025
    On 13 Feb 25 19:35:12, Mark Hofmann said the following to All:

    Once I realized I had to change the OS detection from "Auto" to "Windows", timeslicing code really improved majorly. Works like a champ!

    Glad to hear... hows life?


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Mark Hofmann@1:261/1304 to Nick Andre on Mon Feb 17 20:53:13 2025

    Glad to hear... hows life?

    It will be MUCH better once I get this damn wisdom tooth removed from my mouth. Back in December, I had a filling fall out of it that was done about 18 years ago. Turns out it has a large cavity under the filling (yeah, I bought a mouthcam to take a look).

    Long story short, I have spend the past 2 months looking for the best oral surgeon to pull it. Finally found that this past weekend, and going in this Thursday to have it pulled. Then I can finally get back to normal. Oh and I was sick this past week too with some type of virus. My son's B-Day party was this weekend and a few people that were there ended up with Covid, so that was likely it. It wasn't horrible, but I was in bed for a few days with that and this damn tooth issue.

    I feel better today and will be 100% once I get this tooth removed Thursday. It sure is fun getting older.

    I can't wait until spring, too. Getting an inground pool installed and I can get back to riding to de-stress my life. Work is all I do it seems this time of year.

    Hope things are well with you. What has been going on with you?

    - Mark

    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (1:261/1304.0)