• more cannabis stores than

    From George Pope@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Sun Jun 11 08:51:04 2023
    I re-used plastic bags i got for free or for 5c at least once -- as a garbage >> ag -- perfect size for tossing garbage down an apartment's trash chute (must >> tied into a bag to use the chute)
    Provided they don't come with pre-existing holes in them, they are the perfect size for many non-kitchen waste baskets. That is what I reuse them for.

    Exactly. Why should I buy a pack of plastic garbage just to throw the packaging & bags away in the end? The grocery bag has already served one good use (I like to re-use non-recyclables for at least two purposes)

    Our family of 4 is down to a single garbage bag into the dumpster per week, down from 4-6 before we started separating & composting. . .

    Sometimes I even re-used them for shopping, instead of buying a bag. . .
    A local mom-and-pop does that. People bring in their used plastic bags and he reuses them.

    One of our charity thrifty stores does this -- provides donated bags to those who don't have one (saves buying a pack of commercial ones out of the funds raised); I always carry a bunch of solid cloth bags with me.

    Only one store did it right; Kin's Farm Markets gave free bags, but if you
    your own, they donated 5c to an eco charity.
    Sounds like a good plan.
    I was working in retail in the 1980's when they started moving from paper
    to plastic. It was "for the environment" back then also... to "Save the Trees!" So not every environmental idea turns out to be a good one a generation or so later.

    It's like sex: each new generation thinks they invented it & they do it best.

    I never considered plastic grocery bags to be a problem, nor plastic straws (one picture of a turtle with a straw bent into its mouth 7 nose & the interworld goes CRAZY!)

    How do we know some kid didn't deliberately put that straw like that?

    A better solution to the problem of plastic litter is to put a 25c refundable deposit on everything plastic & disposable.

    I got no beef with litter so much as with pollution.

    If you toss an apple core, sure it looks tacky, to have garage strewn in your neighbourhood, but that core will be absorbed by the natural ecosystem quickly enough. I tend to toss mine under a bush so it's not openly offensive, & the little critters can get to it & enjoy it. . . when it rains, it'll rot & provide fertilizer to the bish's roots.

    If you pour used motor oil into a sewer drain that flows directly into the river or ocean, that's fleeping up the environment for all -- I don't want oil stuck to my salmon nor any plant or animal population I like to eat being poisoned.

    If people spit, I don't care either, bt prefer if they spit away from where kids might walk, or wheelchairs might have to roll through it. That's just common courtesy, people! I'm capable of re-absorbing any saliva my body produces, & not worrying about where to loose it that won't be gross or offensive. As a kid I don't care, but I'm evolving daily. . .

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)